A note from our Division Manager: Constituent Engagement in 2022

Howard Langston: Effective constituent engagement requires a multifaceted approach. Communication preferences differ significantly across demographics.  Layering your communications using multiple channels increases the effectiveness and impact.  Delivering the same overarching […]

by | Jan 6, 2022 | Blog Posts

Effective constituent engagement requires a multifaceted approach. Communication preferences differ significantly across demographics.  Layering your communications using multiple channels increases the effectiveness and impact.  Delivering the same overarching messages across social media, SMS, newsletters, email, phone, video, printed mail, interactive town halls, digital advertising and web will insure you reach the broadest cross section of the public you serve.

The diversity of communication channels facilitates broad appeal.  Each method is made more effective with accurate data reflecting the latest federal, state and local legislative boundaries.

The 2020 census confirmed that American demographics continue to change in both expected and surprising ways.  In 2022, whole new congressional and legislative districts are being created, subdivided or combined.

Even when boundaries remain unchanged, new residents, new movers, and newly registered voters join long time residents to grow the electorate. Understanding these changes is vital to successful engagement.

Leidos has over three decades of experience bringing best in class data together with effective communication tools under a single technology platform designed to serve our customers and their constituents.

Our Intranet Quorum (IQ) family of products integrates best of breed data and communication tools to support your best practices. Our integration with tools like L2’s Constituent Mapping support quick and easy access to the most up to date data.  Partnerships with industry leading printed mail, SMS, digital advertising and web services leaders help to deliver messages with immediacy and impact. Our unique and comprehensive integration with Broadnet – the innovative leader in virtual town halls – transforms messaging into continuous conversations. Leidos helps you direct and conduct this broad-spectrum engagement with IQ.

Always challenged by redistricting following the decennial census, elected officials and agencies are still feeling the impact of the pandemic. Many constituents are isolated in retirement or working and schooling from home.  The free exchange of ideas and feelings of belonging are impacted.

The need for multichannel outreach from public officials is at an all time high.

We’ve listened to our customers who include the majority of the U.S. Congress and half the nation’s governors as well as Federal, state and local leaders throughout the country.

blog quote from howard langston

The changes will bring an even more adaptive user experience to meet the changing ways people work – whether from the office, their homes or on the go.  We will continue to bring the best available tools, technical support and consulting services to help our customers meet the challenges they face.

As we look forward to the new year, we stand ready to support each and every customer; build upon best practices; remain open to new ideas; and stay dedicated to supporting constituent services across the government.

Our consultants and knowledge management team are eager to help you explore emerging trends and technologies that empower your staff.  We encourage you to review every aspect of your communications plan with us.  Together we will work to deliver the best constituent engagement for the people you serve.

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